By Kathy Quartermaine, Damage Prevention Liaison
January 25, 2022
When time is money, every job can feel like a priority, but that doesn’t mean every locate request qualifies as an emergency. If your situation is an imminent danger to life, health, or property, or if your work includes repair or restoration of service then it qualifies as an emergency under state law. An immediate emergency should be declared only if there is imminent danger, and you should have a crew either on-site or en route. The idea is that someone’s life, health, or property will be endangered if you do not begin your excavation work within two hours. An immediate emergency gives locators a two-hour response window, but an excavator can begin work immediately provided they contact 811 as soon as feasibly possible. Examples of an immediate emergency could be a water main break, a gas line rupture, certain communications outages, etc. An impending emergency should be requested when there is a potential danger to life, health, or property and for repair or restoration of service. In other words, if a repair isn’t made soon, it could escalate into an immediate risk to life, health, or property. Because of the potential to escalate, excavation can’t wait 72 business hours like a normal locate, but it doesn’t have to be started in less than two hours. In this case, you tell us what time you will be there to start the work and that is the time the utilities are allotted to locate their facilities. It gives some planning time for the utilities to get out there – they don’t have to drop everything and be there in two hours or less, but they don’t have three working days either. An impending emergency gives some scheduling flexibility. All emergency locates must be called in, and Tennessee 811 accepts those calls 24/7. Remember, every time someone calls in an emergency ticket, it jumps ahead of normal locates, so it shouldn’t be used unless there really is an emergency – immediate or impending. Failure to call in a normal locate request on time is not an emergency and neither is realizing that your normal ticket didn’t cover a big enough area. If your situation is not an emergency, but you need a quicker turnaround, we can submit your ticket as a short notice. A short notice ticket is only a request – not a guarantee – but you get to specify a desired start date and time to see if the locators can respond any quicker than the time allowed for on a normal locate. Misrepresentation of an emergency is a violation of state law and is subject to penalties if reported to the state. First offense is required training, subsequent offenses can result in training and monetary penalties up to $10,000. Willful noncompliance or gross negligence violations can result in penalties up to $15,000. So far in the life of the enforcement program, there have been 16 citations for false emergencies across the state.