TN811 Magazine
Meaghan Feeney • August 22, 2022
Tennessee 811 publishes a quarterly magazine that is mailed to approximately 10,000 stakeholders involved in damage prevention in Tennessee. The first issue each year focuses on pipeline safety, and the remaining issues have rotating themes related to utility damage prevention. The magazine is a great way to keep up with developments in the industry at both the national and local levels. In addition to the mailing, the magazine is distributed at damage prevention and safety meetings across the state.
Here's a breakdown of our magazine's readers:


Owner/operators of utility systems across the state, including gas pipeline/distribution, water/sewer, communications, electric and the locators who protect the underground facilities.


Excavators who call before they dig, including utilities that are users but not members of 811. These excavators range from the largest contractors to some of the smallest across the state, but are defined as calling at least once a month, in other words a professional excavator who buys, rents, or otherwise maintains operational equipment.

Public Officials

Every county supervisor, every mayor, state legislators, state and federal regulatory personnel.

Check out to view back issues or to subscribe for free.
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